This section contains information about or relative to the AEFA or the FairTax® in the news.  Check-in periodically to see what is happening in the FairTax® world!

Should State and Local Governments pay the Alabama FairTax

Should State government consumption be included in the AEFA base to put personal and government consumption expenditures on an equal footing.  Read this White Paper to find the answer! ... read more »

FAIRtax Chairman’s Report: The FAIRtax Guys

Listen as FAIRtax Guy’s Bob Paxton presents the August 2nd FAIRtax Chairman’s Report on The Alabama Economic Freedom Act at ... read more »

Understanding the Alabama Economic Freedom Act

The Alabama Economic Freedom Act, aka Alabama FairTax, is a new way to collect revenue for the state.  This article explains the basics of how it works and its affects on the individual.  Overall aspects of the Act are also mentioned. ... read more »

AEFA Question: Where do embedded taxes come from?

The accompaning charts explain why the AEFA is a better solution than taxing corporations and businesses big and small to collect income taxes. It shows all of the non-value added tax compliance costs due to labor, tracking and reporting, business... ... read more »

Alabama Economic Freedom Act Press Release: 07/22/19

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