Huntsville FairTax Meeting

Our monthly meetings are currently unscheduled.  Restarting information wil be posted here. Best regards, Mary Lynn and Chuck Bailey Alabama FairTax (2560 479-4350 (cell)

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The New AFFT Organization

The new grassroots organization is off to a running start.  The telephonic leadership meeting was conducted tonight from 8 pm - 9:20 pm CDT with about 30 attendees.  An update on all the committee activity really made us excited about...

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AFFT Hands Over Operation to Grassroots

On June 14, 2014, the national organization Americans for Fair Taxation (AFFT) passed the reigns of command over to be managed by a much more expansive grassroots organization.  Thirty two elected delegates from 20 states met in Houston,TX,...

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Fair Tax Vs. Flat Tax: Which Is Right For America?


While there are important differences between the two proposals, both sides generally agree that either option is infinitely more desirable than the current system. B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE In light of rampant government waste and corruption within...

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