John Boehner, Dave Camp to huddle over tax reform’s path


John Boehner, Dave Camp to huddle over tax reform’s path

By: Lauren French and Jake Sherman

November 12, 2013 04:02 PM EST

Top House Republican leaders will huddle with the chairman of the Ways and Means Committee on Thursday, in a meeting that could help determine the path of chief tax writer Dave Camp’s push to introduce legislation to revamp the tax code, according to multiple sources in Republican leadership and on the committee.

Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) and Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) will meet with Camp as the prospect of legislation remains murky, despite Camp’s repeated pledges to introduce a bill this year.

K Street has been atwitter over the meeting, taking it as a sign that tax reform is unlikely in the 113th .....


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